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Sanford and Son T-Shirts

Sanford and Son T-shirts are available for fans of the hilarious television series. Sanford and Sons premiered in 1972. Fred G. Sanford was played by Redd Foxx, and was the father of Lamont Sanford. Fred was a widower who made his living as a junk dealer. The junk was located at his home at the famous address of 9114 South Central Ave in South Central Los Angeles, California.

Fred was a schemer, and always came up with get rich ideas. These ideas would usually backfire on him, and Lemont was left to pick up the pieces. Fred is the boss of the junk store, and Lemont was the one who had to do all the work. Who can’t forget when Fred would call Lemont, “dummy”, then Lemont would call Fred, “old fool”. The rivals was hilarious. The audience would love seeing Fred trying to get out of sticky situations, and these situations were followed by Fred saying and doing his famous hand across his chest, which followed with, “This is The Big One, Elizabeth! I’m coming to join ya honey”.

In the first season, Ethel was Fred’s sister-n-law who always fought with Fred, but she was replaced with Esther, who didn’t put up with Fred’s insults. It would be so funny when Esther would say, “Watch it sucka!” to Fred, then hit Fred with her purse. Esther’s nickname for Fred was, “You old heathen”.

Fans who love the Sanford and Son television series can now wear one of the many Sanford and Son T-shirts. One of the favorite Sanford and Son tee shirts is Fred holding up his hand and saying his famous saying, “I’m coming to join ya honey”. Remember when Fred would get so aggravated he would hold up his fist and say, “How about 5 cross ya lip?” That is one of the most popular Sanford and Son t-shirts.

Sanford and Son has been off the air for over thirty five years, but their memory can stay alive. Fred’s closest friend brought extra laughs to the show. Grady was always involved in Fred’s get rich schemes. Grady was always good for a good laugh, especially when he couldn’t remember Lemont’s name, then Lemont would respond with a bogus name, like Lance, and when Grady would say his famous catchphrase, “Good Goobly Goop!”, it always brought laughs. The show ended in March, 1977 after 135 episodes. Sanford and Son will always be remembered by dedicated fans.

Fans can wear their Sanford and Son t-shirts while watching past episodes. Redd Foxx suffered a fatal heart attack while filming The Royal Family. The cast thought Redd Foxx was doing his classic “It’s the Big One…” fake heart attack, but he never regained consciousness. Ironically, he made this famous on Sanford and Son. Sanford and Son is a classic television series that never goes out of style. The jokes, schemes, and family togetherness can be appreciated by fans while wearing the Sanford and Son ‘Big Dummy’ T-shirt or any of the Sanford and Son tee shirts.