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Van Halen T-shirts

Van Halen was formed in 1972 in Pasadena, California. The band members included Eddie Van Halen – guitarists, Alex Van Halen – drummer, and David Lee Roth – vocalists. The band was known for being a heavy metal, hard rock band. The Van Halen brothers first formed a band called Genesis. The two brothers and Mark Stone was in the band, but they needed to rent a sound system from David Lee Roth. To save money they let David join the band and replace Mark Stone. The band didn’t know it, but the name Genesis had already been taken, so they changed the name to Mammoth, then to Van Halen was the official name in 1974. The guys thought the name Van Halen represented power, and Van Halen was created.

Van Halen released their first album called, Van Halen in 1977. The classic hits included, “Runnin’ with the Devil” and “Eruption”. Van Halen returned to the studio to record Van Halen II in 1978. Van Halen continued to tour and record music, and fans were anticipating the album, “1984”, which included the hot single, “Jump”, “Hot for Teacher”, and “Panama”. Jump is not only an iconic song, but fans can picture Eddie Van Halen playing the guitar and jumping while playing this hot song. Fans can not only remember this, but can put this action into their favorite Van Halen T-shirt. The Van Halen tee shirt ‘jumping’ features Eddie Van Halen jumping while playing his guitar. The Van Halen t-shirt is 2-sided, and on the back of the tee shirt it says, “Play Fast, Wear Stripes”, along with Eddie’s initials, EVH. The Jumping Van Halen T-shirt is a popular choice for fans.

The controversy with David Lee Roth led to the band adding Sammy Hagar ass the lead vocalists, and David quitting the band. In 1985, The Van Halen had a new vocalists and a new logo. The new Van Halen logo arrived in 1986 and stayed with the band until 2007. The logo featured the V and H wrapping around in bold steel. During the time that Sammy Hagar was with Van Halen the band was often called Van Hagar by fans. Sammy Hagar left the band on Father’s Day, 1996. Sammy claims the he was fired, and Eddie claims he quit.

David Lee Roth came back to Van Halen in 1996, but for a brief time. Fans were thrilled to see the original band back together, but that ended, then reoccurred in 1996. Van Halen appeared together on the MTV Video Music Awards together in 1996, but another fall out occurred after the show.

The Van Halen T-Shirt that features the classic biker pin up on the front is an excellent choice for Van Halen fans. Van Halen is still currently to perform. The band doesn’t have David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar, but Eddie Van Halen’s son Wolfgang Van Halen. Show your support and dedication to the band by wearing one of the Van Halen tee shirts. They are perfect for when you attend concerts, listening to their music, or just for every day.